"Legally Blonde" was originally released to Blu-ray in 2011; for this Shout Select release, a brand-new 4K scan of the original negative has been created. The results are truly outstanding and a pretty sizable leap from the previous transfer. Every frame has been given a fresh new lease on life, with Elle's colorful costumes and surroundings bursting with new accuracy, dimensionality and clarity. Details, from fabrics to facial features, also receive a notable uptick. The transfer is clean and clear throughout, with a lovely natural grain structure, solid black levels, and none of the blemishes that were occasionally spotted in the film's older Blu-ray master are detected. The 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio is terrific as well. The soundtrack, a mix of pop songs and conventional instrumental scoring, fills the soundfield with real potency, while dialogue is never less than crystal-clear.
It's a bit disappointing "Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde" did not receive a new 4K scan the way the first film did; the disparity between the two transfers is, at times, glaring. Whereas the first "Legally Blonde" looks like what it is-a new, improved remaster-"Legally Blonde 2" is obviously a virtually identical port from its original 2011 MGM release, and the age of its scan shows from the start. Age-related dirt and speckling frequently haunts the image, while the overall visuals have a less organic feel. To be fair, there has always been a certain artificiality to the sequel's photography, which includes quite a bit of green-screen work standing in for legitimate location shooting. This transfer isn't a total loss, to be sure; the detail and clarity is unmistakably of a high definition, and the near-constant pink glow seemingly emanating from Witherspoon is pleasing. This is an acceptable transfer, but because its predecessor looks so very great, this one's problem areas are magnified. The 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio is nearly as impressive as that of the first film, again prominently guided by its bouncy soundtrack and the clarity of the dialogue. A 2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio track is additionally offered for both films.
Legally Blonde (Disc One)
Audio Commentary with Director Robert Luketic, Producer Marc Platt, and Actor Reese Witherspoon
Audio Commentary with Cinematographer Anthony Richmond, Costume Designer Sophie de Rakoff Carbonell, Production Designer Melissa Stewart, Screenwriters Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith, and Animal Trainer Sue Chipperton
NEW "Making Margot: A Look Back at Legally Blonde" Interview with Jessica Cauffiel (13:31, HD)
Deleted Scenes (9:45, SD)
"Inside Legally Blonde" Featurette (21:37, SD)
"The Hair That Ate Hollywood" Featurette (9:00, SD)
Hoku: "Perfect Day" Music Video (3:26, SD)
Trailer (2:23, HD)
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde (Disc Two)
Audio Commentary with Actors Jennifer Coolidge, Jessica Cauffiel and Alanna Ubach
NEW "Back in Blonde: A Look Back at Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde" Interview with Jessica Cauffiel (8:37, HD)
"Blonde Ambition" Featurette (22:26, SD)
"Stars and Stripes, Never" Featurette (7:35, SD)
"Elle's Anthem" Featurette (7:13, SD)
"Hair Apparent" Featurette (6:55, SD)
"Puppy Love" Featurette (2:23, SD)
"Pretty in Pink" Featurette (6:36, SD)
Deleted Scenes (9:31, SD)
Gag Reel (2:39, SD)
Leann Rimes: "We Can" Music Video (3:41, SD)
Trailer (2:08, HD)
"Legally Blonde" and Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde" were previously released to Blu-ray by MGM. In providing a superior 4K remaster of the original and a couple new special features on top of porting over all previous bonus content, Shout Select's "The Legally Blonde Collection" is an attractive, spit-shine step above. Diehard fans of these films should not hesitate to double-dip with this release, while more casual viewers will likely be less inclined to splurge. I'm personally thrilled to have them in a single lovely package, and the new transfer on the first film is gorgeous. Recommended.