An underrated and unexpectedly clever animated featureone of Disney's best on the early 2000s"The Emperor's New Groove" is hugely entertaining and full of honorable messages, each viewing revealing new, sneaky in-jokes and asides. Eartha Kitt is hilarious as the voice of villainess Yzma, and the hand-drawn animation is nothing less than inspired. Blu-ray also includes "Kronk's New Groove!"
The animation in Disney's "The Emperor's New Groove" is brighter and altogether more pleasing than that in "Lilo & Stitch" and "Atlantis: The Lost Empire," and for that it gets a slightly higher picture rating. This is an enormously colorful film and the high-definition presentation lives up to its every ability. There are few, if any, true complaints about the 5.1 audio, except to say that it isn't a top-tier example of demo material.